My Tricks for Simply Modern Interior Plants

Modern style is something that can be stunning when done correctly.  It’s also a style that can feel cold and not home-like at all.  No one wants to live in a cold museum, but a glamourous modern home is much desired.

That’s where plants come into the picture!  Plants are living, breathing beings that create an instant sense of warmth to a space.  I am a fanatic about balance and I believe that a cold modern space is easily balanced out by the warmth of a living plant.  Plants make us feel human and even the most architectural-like plants still have a natural organic form that is calming to our soul.

The following are my personal tricks for Simply Modern Interior Plants:

Agave vasesTwo Matching Extra-Large Plants is better than a Jungle of Small Plants

Three used to be the magic number with design, but lately I’m in love Euphorbia plantswith the number two!  Modern design begs for even numbers and when you make a space for two extra large plants in a room they have a undeniable presence!  Keep it simple and repeat the pattern exactly or almost exactly.  Plants with architectural form are often used, but I think even free flowing plants can look modern when used properly.  

Resist the urge to underplant with smaller plants, this will only take away from the natural form of your original specimen plant.

Repeat of same plantRepeat the Same Plant and the Same Color

Monotony is NOT boring, especially when it comes to plants!  It’s chic and Yellow Bromeliadssophisticated.  It again makes the mind calm and give you a sense of order.  The best part of monotony with plants is that they actually aren’t monotonous because each plant is actually slightly different than the other one.  This makes the scenario even more interesting to the eye and the mind!  

Pencil Cactus in Red PotsSorry guys, but SIZE MattersPalm in cylinder

Whether it’s an extra large container with a small plant or an average sized container with an enormous plant.  Size does matter!  If you have the space, the bigger the better!  Think over-sized, big big big!  (just don’t hit the ceiling…that’s too big!)

Don’t forget the top-dressing

The finale of your spectacular specimen plant is the over-looked and under-planned top-dressing.  The typical choice is moss for most people which works pretty great to cover the soil and grow pot.  Although, if you want your plant to be a true show stopper, you’ll want to consider some alternatives.  These are some of my faves:

White RocksSTONES:  White Decorative Stones as top-dressing.  Elegant and dramatic contrast, but honestly stones come in so many beautiful shapes and textures you can really have fun here.  Pick a color that will complement the decor and feeling of your space.  I think Stones always look MODERN and are one of my first choices!

moss n stoneglass top-dressing

MOOD MOSS WITH STONES AND GLASS WITH STONES:  These both add contrast in elements.  Both giving off a yin and yang feng shui feeling of balance! 

Reindeer Moss




REINDEER MOSS:  This gorgeous chartreuse moss is fluffy and has a gorgeous natural texture.  It comes in all colors of the rainbow, but chartreuse and white are by far my favorites!

Benefits of Interior Plants in your Home and Office

When you decide to add plants to your home or office you are not just adding beautiful greenery.  These living organisms interact with your body, mind and home in ways that enhance your quality of life!

A Natural Air Filter

Plants are proven to remove toxins from air – up to 87 percent of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) everyOffice Plants 24 hours, according to NASA research. VOCs include substances like formaldehyde (present in rugs, vinyl, cigarette smoke and grocery bags), benzene and trichloroethylene (both found in man-made fibers, inks, solvents and paint). Benzene is commonly found in books and printed papers abound.

We are Less Stressed and More Productive Around Plants
Plants significantly lower workplace stress and enhance worker productivity. In a research study common interior plants were used in a computer laboratory with 27 computer workstations. A computer program to test productivity and induce stress was specifically designed for these experiments. Participants working in an environment with plants present were 12 percent more productive and less stressed than those who worked in an environment without plants. 
purple bromeliad
Plants Reduce Sick Leave!

In another study by the Agricultural University of Norway, sickness rates fell by more than 60 percent in offices with plants.

The Dutch Product Board for Horticulture commissioned a workplace study that discovered that adding plants to office settings decreases fatigue, colds, headaches, coughs, sore throats and flu-like symptoms.

Other Benefits of Interior Plants 
  • Increased positive feelings and reduced feelings of anxiety, anger and sadness.
  • Reduction of sound levels
  • Reduction of stress levels
  • Control of humidity to the within the optimum levels for human health
  • Cooling effect
  • Absorption of carbon dioxide and emission of oxygen refreshing the air
  • Improved concentration levels leading to improved productivity particularly with those working with computers
  • Reduction of absenteeism in the workplace
  • Faster recovery from mental tiredness
  • Interiors feel spacious, looked after and clean
  • People prefer to occupy rooms that contain plants
  • Improved image – interiors are perceived as “more expensive”
  • Increase in creativity
Conclusion:  Love your environments!

Our need for nature was identified by the American biologist, Edward O Wilson, who developed a hypothesis called Biophilia, which he defined as “the innate affiliation people seek with other organisms and especially the natural world.”

Wilson’s research shows that, when given freedom to choose the characteristics of their ideal environment, people gravitate towards a location that combines three major features: positioned at height, overlooking the landscape, and being close to open water.  Effectively, what has been described is the landscape of our distant ancestors from the African plains, and that is the sort of landscape where we instinctively feel at home and safe: Humanity’s natural habitat.  So, by incorporating interior plants into your home or office it should be possible to make significant improvements to employee and human well-being.

For more information and facts go to:

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